Two easiest ways you can be a Minimalist

4 min readJan 3, 2020

In the NETFLIX platform, there is a famous documentary named MINIMALISM: A Documentary About the Important Things. After you read this article, if you are interested in minimalist, I recommend you to watch this documentary. I’m sure that the minimalists are not familiar to the readers. In this article, I’ll show the easiest way to become a minimalist. However, this article will not tell you about the benefits of becoming a minimalist since it is too straightforward.

Before starting the main paragraph, do not confuse minimalist to minimalism. Minimalism is defined as below in the Oxford Dictionary. The minimalism is closer to art trends; however, the minimalist is not.

A trend in sculpture and painting that arose in the 1950s and used simple, typically massive forms.

The minimalists are people who prefer to minimalize their items. Many people think becoming minimalist requires extreme willpower. Many articles argue that to become a minimalist, ‘you should not buy more than four clothes,’ ‘you should not buy more than one pen.’, … However, the reality is that people don’t need to feel burdened about it. It is sufficient to minimalize until you don’t feel uncomfortable. Minimalist doesn’t reveal they must be the extreme scrooge.

This article tells you how to estimate your appropriate minimalist level. I think the most straightforward advice to become a minimalist is to throw all the items except you need. But, I’m sure that you’ll stop reading this article if I provide you that advice. Because these methods don’t require any preparation, you can start it after you finish the reading.

1. Prepare Boxes!

The easiest way to avoid over-usage is to put it out of sight. Prepare many boxes, and try to put all of your items in them except you necessarily need. Then, try to live with the things which you didn’t pack for a week. After a week, you will reconsider your minimalist level and get some items you further require from the boxes.

Be sure that this is not a strict law; your first determination could be quite difficult for you; you can adapt it anytime you want. Don’t be stressful when you failed your week-life with your minimal items. Be free to adjust your minimalist level. If you feel comfortable about your week, it is an appropriate minimalism level.

2. Write Three-Keyword Everyday

Since the most important thing is to make yourself comfortable, it is necessary to produce feedbacks to become a minimalist. However, writing a diary as feedback is too tired. I don’t recommend you to use a lot of energy to become a minimalist. It can make you exhausted quickly. Thus, ‘Three-Keyword’ can be an excellent alternative for you.

Write your happiness of a day(1 to 5), the most wanted item during a day, and the least needed item. After any term(it can be a week or a month or a year), you can find some overlapping things. If it is the most wanted, you can consider buying it. If it is the least needed, you can consider not to buy when you repurchase it next time. When your happiness is to low due to your actions related to minimalist, it is signal that you should lower your minimalist level.

I want people to be familiar with minimalist. The minimalists are various, so that I cannot explain the whole of them. I hope this article helped you to get ideas of becoming a minimalist. These can be your first step to becoming a minimalist. For further reading, recommend the following links.

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